CASE STUDY: Recruitment – Recruiting the best for the best - G&P

CASE STUDY: Recruitment – Recruiting the best for the best

The Challenge

G&P was approached by an automotive OEM to recruit English speaking quality auditors to conduct checks at a supplier which had manufacturing facilities in eight countries.

Recruiting the best candidates to fulfil a specific brief in a short timescale would have been problematic without G&P’s enviable database of fully qualified personnel.

Indeed, it’s often the case that highly-skilled positions need to be filled quickly to minimise the disruption caused by a person leaving their job or the need to fill a new vacancy brought about by changes to the business or unforeseen circumstances.

The Solution

G&P’s pool of highly-skilled and fully qualified auditors were drawn from many countries.

Local, on the ground knowledge, ensured only the correct candidates were placed.

Speaking the local language also meant there were no communication issues.

Travel restrictions were not an issue as G&P’s personnel lived within the vicinity of the manufacturing facilities.

The positions were filled rapidly ensuring tight deadlines were met.

All of G&P’s quality auditors had the previous skills needed, were checked and vetted and trusted by G&P for a number of years.

G&P’s recruitment consultants had the insight, knowledge, expertise and contacts to react rapidly.


The Results

Customers trust G&P to make it happen and yet again this proved to be the case.

More specifically, G&P’s customers save time and money by outsourcing their recruitment needs to a recruitment specialist.

It also meant the customer could focus on the core activities of the business, safe in the knowledge that the auditors had the necessary skills and experience.

Moreover, G&P’s expertise and reputation in recruitment has resulted in numerous candidates being successfully placed in a variety of positions at manufacturing facilities around the world.

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