CASE STUDY: Vehicle Technicians – Seamlessly Integrated Within OEM’s Operations - G&P

CASE STUDY: Vehicle Technicians – Seamlessly Integrated Within OEM’s Operations

The Challenge

One of the world’s leading OEMs wanted to protect and enhance its highly-sought after reputation, built over decades for producing vehicles that have become synonymous with its name.

The company recognised the need to ensure that every vehicle leaving its plant was built to the highest standards, exceeding both retailer and customer expectations. Every aspect of the vehicle, from detail and finish through to inner build, electrical and mechanical elements, had to be correct.

Recognising the importance of independent vehicle examination, the manufacturer engaged with G&P to support and complement its efforts.


The Solution

G&P appointed as the main quality management service provider.

A dedicated team of G&P’s fully-trained vehicle technicians were embedded line side in all areas of rework and rectification covering departments including trim, mechanical, electrical, body and paintwork.

More specifically, operating areas included BIW, leather shop, assembly line, reworks, vehicle quality inspection, re-validation and buy off inspection, rework line runners, rigs and wheel alignment, water and road test and vehicle deployment.

Simple reworks were carried out while vehicles went through the final build stages, reducing the need for them to go to rework bays.

The Results

Each and every vehicle leaving the manufacturing plant was of the highest quality level.

Moreover, G&P’s personnel were seamlessly integrated within the client’s operations and developed a close working relationship with senior management and in-house workforce alike, who viewed G&P as their ‘own’.

For the vehicle manufacturer, it was more cost effective as it removed potential direct employee costs, such as administration costs, training costs, pension, bonus or any other legal related employer matters.

More importantly, it allowed the vehicle manufacturer’s own floor manager to focus on quality and production, maximising the effectiveness of their time.

Additionally, the number of G&P vehicle technicians, and level of service was flexible and could be turned on and off by the vehicle manufacturer as they required depending on the production requirements at the time.

Delivering Quality & Service To Global Partners Since 1994

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Birmingham, B24 9FD, UK

    +44 (0) 1922 458 003