G&P Building a Quality Future - G&P

G&P Building a Quality Future

Göbel & Partner (G&P) has already achieved widespread recognition as a leading name in quality management and is now pursuing ambitious plans for the future.

The company has confirmed extraordinary growth in recent years, achieved against the backdrop of the recession.  Now, as manufacturing continues to rise, the West Midlands-based company is well-placed to meet demand for efficient and effective total quality management solutions.

G&P has found a lucrative niche in successfully assisting leading international manufacturers, as well as their key suppliers, to achieve their world-class standards.  The firm is already a major supplier to the automotive and aerospace sector and is now looking to further integrate with the supply chains in these industries; armed with substantial growth figures to impress prospective partners.

Just three years ago, G&P comprised 400 staff worldwide. That figure has increased dramatically; as of June 2015, the company employs 1,300 people.  The growth has been fuelled by new business wins, the development of existing relationships and the rapid expansion of the business to meet customers’ global requirements, with new ventures in countries as diverse as China, Slovakia and Singapore.

According to company founder and group chairman Dino Kyriacou, this is only the beginning.

“Over 50% of our employees hold positions in the UK,” he continues, “with more than half of those based at several locations in the Midlands.  Indeed, we pride ourselves on our role as a local employer and invest heavily in developing the skills of our employees, which benefits not just our customers but also the local community.”

“However, to fulfil our expansion plans we need to extend the team further and we anticipate employing many more people, worldwide, by the end of the year, if the current run-rate and pipeline business are anything to go by.”

G&P offers a range of roles to suit all levels of experience, and runs successful apprenticeship and graduate schemes.  In addition to needing quality inspectors and technicians with a keen understanding of world-class manufacturing, the company headquarters in Walsall also offers recruitment opportunities in finance, marketing, administration and many other areas.

“We’ve a great deal to offer the right candidates, as the nature of our business presents ambitious, talented employees with opportunities to work overseas or develop their careers into management roles,” promises Dino Kyriacou.

With employment growth high on G&Ps agenda, the firm has taken its specific recruitment needs more seriously, and launched G&P Recruitment’, an agency created as part of the larger group to provide specific contract services for G&P, while also building a portfolio of its own independent clients.

“Potential employees can contact G&P for an effective route to our positions, and information regarding the skills we’re looking for to create more jobs in the Midlands.”

Delivering Quality & Service To Global Partners Since 1994

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G&P Group Holdings Ltd Suite 304,
3rd Floor,
Fort Dunlop,
Birmingham, B24 9FD, UK

    +44 (0) 1922 458 003