Highly complex G&P project highlights how maintaining quality has no borders - G&P

Highly complex G&P project highlights how maintaining quality has no borders

A complex cross-border quality inspection by leading quality management provider has involved visiting five countries and inspecting 44 cars with potential mechanical issues.

Not only this, the project was completed in just 3.5 days by two of G&P’s highly-skilled vehicle technicians using an electrical measuring device to inspect the potentially faulty component.

Thankfully, all the components passed the test. However, had the tests on the potentially faulty components not taken place then there was a risk of vehicle noise and drive failure.

The manufacturer could not take the risk of any damage to their reputation by allowing the deliveries to go ahead without the additional quality checks.

Geoff Cousins, chairman at G&P, said: “This particular project required a very tight schedule for a round trip to Belgium, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland to plan the appointments in each country so that deadlines could be met.

“Added to the mix was that the cars had already been built and were distributed in these countries ready to go to market. It needed, and had, military style precision planning.”

Even before the project started, G&P only had 24 hours to plan for the challenge which involved specialist training for the two vehicle technicians.

Geoff added: “The importance of the project was that it protected the brand reputation of the car manufacturer as it had the reassurance that all of its vehicles had passed the test and, subsequently, that no faulty vehicles were released for sale.

“It also clearly demonstrated G&P’s capabilities of being able to react quickly and efficiently to resolve potential quality issues, no matter where they are.”

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