Hotline Support – G&P’s Hotline Support Is Quick To React
26 April 2023

The Challenge
A premium, world-renowned vehicle manufacturer needed support controlling quality issues that were impacting the build process. These issues had to be resolved quickly to minimise production downtime and the potential for more issues further down the build process.
The Solution
To help the vehicle manufacturer react quickly and resolve concerns efficiently, G&P’s hotline support technicians were permanently and seamlessly integrated within the in-house quality team. Their role was to react to, contain and conduct an initial investigation into any quality concerns identified in the assembly process.
Once a quality concern was reported, G&P’s hotline technicians would attend the area affected by the concern and assess the issue. Interim containment actions were implemented to ensure the production line could continue to run as smoothly as possible.
Details of the initial investigation were handed over to the customer quality engineers at the facility who set up off line containment activities and problem solving processes.

The Results
G&P was able to provide reactive and efficient support for the OEM to help minimise build disruption from poor quality components.
This saved the OEM money by reducing down time, reducing waste of rectification and removing any potential damage to its brand reputation.
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